Check with your school first to determine if they have a graduation dress code. Some schools have a formal policy, while others will provide general guidelines. You may be wondering why you need to bother because no one will see what’s underneath your cap and gown. Generally speaking, dress policies offer conformity and encourages young people to act in a more mature manner. The school want the graduates to dress modestly and behave the same way they are dressed.
Be sure to consider the weather. If your graduation ceremony is going to be outside, watch the weather reports leading up to your big day. If it’s going to be warm, wear cotton or a lightweight blend. Don’t wear polyester or rayon as these fabrics are very hot and very, very uncomfortable in the heat. If the ceremony is indoors with air conditioning, it can be much cooler and you may need to dress warmer.
Your family and friends will be taking lots of photos of you. You will want to look your very best on this important milestone in life. Your high school graduation photos will forever be displayed somewhere in your parent’s house. There is no need to embarrass yourself 20 years from now with that neon orange Mohawk or rainbow colored hair! Avoid sneakers and flip flops!
Remember that the point of your cap should be worn over the middle of your head. That means if someone is looking down on your cap it would form a diamond shape. The tassels are always worn on the right side of your cap until the graduating class has been declared “graduate students”! Then you flip your tassels to the left side of your cap and be proud to be a high school graduate. Now, on to college and another graduation!