- For women and teens wearing makeup in a show, bring a head protector to protect the clothes from getting soiled by makeup as well as to protect your hair from getting static when pulling clothing on and off over your head. An old thin scarf works well.
- Be prepared to “tape” the bottom of shoes worn in a show if they are pulled for you by the store. Masking tape works best as it is easily removed. It is typically put on the bottom of the shoes and then cut to size so it doesn’t hang over the edge and show. The show coordinator/client will let you know if this is necessary.
- Bring along your makeup and hair supplies for touch-ups. Unless told otherwise, models should typically arrive hair and makeup ready.
- Be sure to wear a strong unscented antiperspirant or deodorant that holds up. No fragrances of any type should be worn.
- Always arrive on time. Know exactly where you are headed well ahead of time and allow enough time for parking.
- Only bottled water should be brought. You don’t want to take a chance of soiling the clothes.
- Line up your shoes and accessories. Be sure your outfits are unzipped and unbuttoned so you can get in and out of them quickly. Always keep your shoes & accessories together with the clothing.
- Change quickly so you can make your “run” on time. Hair changes and jewelry changes are always last, as they can be omitted if you are running late for your “run”. You cannot go out there however in your underwear!
- If some damage should accidentally occur to the clothes that you work in the show, bring it to the attention of the person in charge right away! Never try to hide it.
- After the show is over, clean up your area. Hang up all of the clothes you modeled in the show. Keep shoes and accessories together with the clothes. Make sure your work area is cleaned up and remember to THANK THE CLIENT for the opportunity!
Top Child Modeling Agencies and How to Approach Them
The allure of the modeling world can be captivating, and for some children, it can be a rewarding and exciting experience. However, breaking into the